Home Insurance
I got a home from clayton homes that I had about ten years now . A they home insurance for a mobile home is riduclious and the insurance on my home go up every year and the name of their insurance ageny that they gave me was Home first agency inc. And their insurance is […]
I plan to turn my first single home into a rental property. Do I need to report the insurance that I will not live in that house? I got a transparent book cover material at Office Depot. It kinda works for a while but it doesn stick very well and comes off after an hour […]
My uncle was involved in a bar fight and now may get sued by the people that he was in the fight with. He is scared of losing his home but has homeowners insurance that covers lawsuits, but I think it is if someone gets hurt at his home. Does insurance cover lawsuits that occurred […]
I am buying a home. How do I find a home insurance company? Will my mortgage company help me with that? maxine daniel’s grandmother with dementia is given a baby annabell dollThe altitude of Mexico City, added to the smog that accumulates in the bowl like natural topography that surrounds it, gives home teams a […]
i live in southern california and my home value is 600,000. I pay 2,200 for insurance every 6 months. i think this is a little too high but would like to know if this is average. When i bought the house i was too excited that i didnt even talked to my insurance agent, who […]
I am just wondering if it’s a problem to get homeowners insurance if I am planning on buying a Chihuahua soon. green bay packers stock likely to sell out even though it’s worthless”Whenever he is out on the field, he studies professionally, he knows where he wants to go with the ball and he cheap […]
Can you recommend me a cheap Homeowner insurance company for walls in? I am refinancing my condo and need dirt cheap insurance. If i could i wouldn’t even get it in the first place. looking for a "walls in" policy only for a Condo 1 bedroom I don’t have auto insurance or even an auto. […]
What would be best amount of total coverage to carry for auto insurance and homeowners insurance including an umbrella policy. I realize claims are skyrocketing, and I don’t presently have an umbrella policy. Would like to know what I should be targeting. Thanks!
i want to have different quotes from different companies ! but i don’t know much about this.. by the way what is the average premium homeowner insurance in LA ?
I recently received a check from my homeowner insurance for roof repair. Well I use to do roofing and I don’t see where it really need to be repaired. My question is, can I spend this check on something Else like bills? I realize that if it doesn’t go to the roof I can’t reclaim […]